Pet Pros Services is made up of three humans, Mark, Denielle and Angie. It was launched in 2006 and for over 10 years, it continues to serve pets (and their owners) through its various services, including:

Founder, CEO Pet Pros ServicesMark Garvin, CEO, Jack of all Trades

While working as a business consultant for a major consulting firm, and having to travel extensively, Mark made the difficult decision to find his rare bred 195 lbs Tosa Inu, Somo, a new home. He started advertising online, in newspapers, etc. to make sure he found the right family to take in his pup. After exhausting all efforts, and realizing that there were probably other people just like him who needed to re-home their pet without utilizing the local shelters, a light bulb went off. Within days of doing extensive research, he found out there were few websites that aided people in Re-Homing Pets, especially large rare breeds like Somo. He immediately began work on developing such a site and within a few months, Pet Pros Services was born in Mark’s small apartment in Orlando, Florida.

After the perfect home was found for Somo through the very site he created, Mark decided to leave his 6 figure Consulting career (against the advice of his friends and family) and dedicated his life to Pet Pros. Being a true entrepreneur who believed in his business with lots of drive, ambition, focus, and a never say die attitude. Mark knew his new venture would be a successful and rewarding one.

Mark started Pet Pros in California online and then expanded to Texas and other major states. Pet owners from all 50 states were calling to sign up for the Re-homing services. Based on his customers desires, needs and wants that they expressed, he later added Pet Taxi, Pet Maids and Other Pet Services. He decided to take this same concept and start Home Health care services for pets nationwide.

Mark received his MBA in Finance and Accounting from the University of Michigan Ross Business School and currently runs Pet Pros Services and Genesis Home Health Care, dedicated to Nursing, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Aides. On his spare time, as a fun hobby, Mark is a licensed Business Broker and enjoys helping business owners buy and sell their pet and healthcare businesses. Mark does Mergers and Acquisitions for large and corporate pet and healthcare companies for enjoyment. He lives in Orlando, Florida with his family.

Media relations and marketing Pet Pros ServicesDenielle Kennett, Marketing & Communications, Jill of all Trades

Denielle joined the Pet Pros team back in 2015, shortly after the birth of her daughter, Lennon. Denielle was on maternity leave when Mark and her connected and she shortly thereafter joined the team. Her extensive background in business relations, marketing and communications, paired with her love for rescue animals, made Denielle the perfect fit for the Pet Pros family.

Denielle is in charge of all client relations and communications, marketing communications and daily upkeep of the Pet Pros tasks. For fun, she enjoys being outside and traveling all over the world. Music, art, and literature are her creative muse and every year she donates food and blankets to her local animal shelters.

She graduated from The Florida State University with a BA in English, and The University of South Florida with her MA in Public Relations. She currently lives in St. Petersburg, Florida with her husband, daughter and two rescue dogs: a boxer named Guinness and a bloodhound named Mumford.

Pet Pros Vasquez's dogAngie Vasquez, Advertising and Marketing Coordinator

Angie was born and raised in San Diego, California. She has had a dog since she was a toddler. She’s had several rescued dogs as family members over her lifetime and believes every animal deserves to have a family to love them. She met Mark through a mutual friend and knew right away she was meant to work for the company. This love of animals and wildlife made her a perfect fit for the Pet Pros Team.

Angie works closely with Mark and Denielle as the Advertising and Marketing Coordinator. She ensures Pet Pros Services are seen online and in ads. She contributes to the website, blogs and also connects potential clients to Pet Pros via social media using grassroots marketing techniques.

She received her MBA and Bachelor in Business Management Degrees from the University of Phoenix with an Associate’s Degree in Hospitality Management from Le Cordon Bleu. Prior to college she served in the US Army for 3 years. She has worked in Marketing and Promotions for over 14 years mainly in the music industry. Her expertise is in social media marketing, advertising and blog writing. She is a photographer and avid hiker who loves the outdoors. Angie’s editorial and photography work has been featured on various company and blog sites. She currently lives in Orlando with her dog Peter Parker.