Hi, My name is Kitty!
Kitty has found a wonderful new home in Houston through Pet Pros Services.
If you are a fan of the Puss-In-Boots movie, then you’ll want to offer me a home right away! I look just like him with my huge green eyes and gorgeous tangerine coat. I am one terrific tabby!
I am just 5, very healthy, neutered and ready-to-love. I am an exceptionally sweet personality – a real charmer. It does take me a little while to warm up to new people and situations, but once I feel comfortable, I am your best buddy. I love to snuggle and have a very sweet purr that will melt your heart.
I love attention and I also enjoy a good game of fetch. Yes, I did say FETCH! (In your face, Dogs!)
I am being rehomed by my owner, who is very sad to have to make this difficult choice. She knows that it is best for e though, since her work schedule keeps her from spending time with me. I am alone way too much, and she wants a home for me where I will get lots of attention and human companionship.
I am a very well-behaved boy and am perfectly litter trained. Clean as a whistle! I would prefer to be an only pet, but a cat-friendly dog or cat would be fine. I am fine with kids, as long as they don’t want to pull my tail or poke at my eyes.
I am an indoor-only cat, and must stay that way.
All About Kitty
[one_half] Name of Pet: KittyLocation: Houston, TX, 77007
Type of Pet: Cat
Breed of Pet: Domestic Short Hair
Sex of Pet: Male[/one_half] [one_half_last]
Age of Pet: 5
Spayed/Neutered?: Yes
Health Problems: No
Up To Date on Vaccinations: No
Gets along with cats: Unknown
Gets along with dogs: Unknown
Good with Children?: Yes
House Broken or Litter Trained?: Yes
Crate Trained?:
Accessories Included: Scratching post, litter box, litter genie, toys, a blanket he loves.
Kitty’s Personality
Shy and nervous at first but just the sweetest once he relaxes! He loves to be around people and get tons of attention. He even plays fetch!
Kitty’s Current Home Environment
Currently living with his owner in a one bedroom apartment with his brother (a ferret). It’s a quiet, peaceful environment. He does not go outdoors.
Kitty’s Current Family:
I rescued Kitty when he was just a kitten. I already had his brother and at first he was nervous and scared around him but after a few days was warmed up and now inseparable. Unfortunately, due to his owner’s work schedule, it is no longer possible for me to give Kitty the love and attention he truly deserves. He is a loving and sweet cat and deserves an owner that can give that to him.
Kitty’s Favorite Toys, Foods, Activities?
He loves his scratching post! He likes to play fetch too! He enjoys getting brushed, playing with his toys and curling up in a blanket. He eats a wet food every morning because it’s his favorite and then snacks on dry food throughout the day.
Cute Kitty Story:
Kitty loves playing fetch. If his ball goes unfound he will meow until you go and help him find it.
Why is Kitty Being Rehomed?
I work very long hours and traveling is beginning to occur. I can no longer give him the proper attention he deserves. Please help me find him a new home!!!
Kitty’s Perfect Adoptive Home Will Be:
Preferably a home with no animals. If its another cat or a small animal it may be okay. He should be an indoor cat! He loves to look out the window and see whats going on outside, however, he has never actually been outside before. I hope to find him a forever home where he can get tons of love and care!!
Additional Comments:
Please help me find my cat a great new home!!!